Jim Cristelli
719.439.2328 (cell)
1655 Pirate Heights
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

The Grace Center for Athletics and Community Service provides a premier athletic venue for St. Mary’s High School and southern Colorado non-profit organizations serving elementary through high school aged youth, particularly those who are disadvantaged and at-risk.
This premier 25-acre athletic complex includes facilities for:
Field hockey
Track and Field Meets
Special events
"USA Archery chose the Grace Center for its terrific location, beautiful appearance for photos, and very supportive staff. The facility itself is first-rate and concerns like parking are a non-issue at the Grace Center. The Grace Center staff has been fantastic to partner with, and the school clearly understands the magnitude of an Olympic Trials event."
~ Katrina Weiss
USA Archery
$120/hour: Stadium; Lights-additional $20/hour.
$95/hour: Grass auxiliary field.
$60/hour: Track, 8 lanes.
$175/hour: Baseball Field; Lights-additional $25/hour.
All individuals, groups, teams, renters agree to adhere to the rules and guidelines listed below when using any part of the facilities. Please make sure your teams are aware of the guidelines. Participants in violation will be asked to leave and the rental contract may be revoked.
Reservations are for the contracted area only. Please contain your event to the specified area.
The field will be open approximately 15 minutes before your scheduled rental time.
When gates are locked the facility is closed. No climbing over gates and or fences for any reason.
All vehicles are to remain on paved roads and parking areas only. Red zones are for emergency vehicles only. Reserved parking spots are always reserved. Anyone parking in these areas is subject to ticketing and/or towing at vehicle owners’ expense.
All renters and participants should be exited from the facilities no later than 15 minutes after the scheduled rental ending time or extra rental and site supervisor fees will be charged; any vehicles remaining will be towed at owners’ expense.
All Spectators should remain in the seating area. Players, coaches and officials only allowed on the fields.
No throwing or kicking of any balls against any fence or building.
No coffee, soft drinks, sports drinks, or food of any type allowed on the artificial turf or the track.
No use of any sharp objects on the artificial turf or track area.
No tape or marking paint is allowed on the artificial turf; chalk and cones may be used as markers.
Track spikes are limited to 1/8 inch in pyramid type and are limited to use on the track-runway and high jump aprons.
No possession, use, or sale of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs.
No pets/animals allowed on the property.
No nuts or seed of any type allowed on the field.
No chewing gum.
No skateboarding, rollerblading, skating, or bicycle riding in or on property.
No burning of any material.
No profane language or disruptive behavior.
Games of chance and activities defined as gambling by state statutes are illegal and strictly prohibited on school property.
Decorations, posters, signs must be pre-approved by the Operations Manager; no signage will be hung using duct tape.