Ambassadors are the face of St. Mary’s High School, both on and off campus. Ambassadors help with Shadow Days and Open Houses, as well as other school events.
Danny Cuadrado, Advisor
Students are encouraged to participate in one or more of the many clubs offered. Clubs at St. Mary’s give students the opportunity to lead, serve, and achieve excellence. Some clubs are open to all St. Mary’s students, while membership in others, such as National Honor Society, is by invitation only and must be earned.
Ambassadors are the face of St. Mary’s High School, both on and off campus. Ambassadors help with Shadow Days and Open Houses, as well as other school events.
Danny Cuadrado, Advisor
The Art Club strives to inspire all students to develop a love and appreciation for the arts, and to inspire those students who have shown a special interest in the arts .
Karla Lee, Faculty Advisor
Drama club supports St. Mary's theater department. The drama department presents two full productions each year, a fall play and a spring musical. Drama Club is designed for students interested in learning more about the aspect of theater. This includes learning stage terminology, working on acting skills, set building, and costumes/makeup design. Drama club is open to all students.
Caleb Smith, Faculty Advisor
The environmental club is designed to raise student awareness about the Earth and all of the systems that can be affected by both ecological and environmental changes. The club is designed to be student run but can include field trips, experimentation, student advocacy of environmental problems such as climate change, and a respect for those animals that are approaching endangerment.
Al Hartzell, Faculty Advisor
St. Mary’s Speech and Debate Team has a winning tradition that is hard to find, even at larger schools. Only the top 3% of competitors in the U.S. qualify for the National Speech and Debate Tournament held in the summer, yet St. Mary’s High School has had one or more students qualify each year since 2006!
Robin Knoepke, Coach
Game Club is focused on board and card games, with such options as 7 Wonders, Magic: The Gathering, Lords of Waterdeep, Yugioh, and more! Bring a game to share if you'd like and join our community!
Caleb Smith, Faculty Advisor
House Executive Council (HEC) is the student governing body for St. Mary's High School. The student body is led by the School Consuls, a senior boy and a senior girl, elected by faculty and peers. In addition to School Captains, House Captains are responsible for student leadership of each House. These students meet regularly with the House Director. Each Mentor Group elects one Group leader, one Service Leader, one Activity Leader, and one Ministry Leader. Seniors and juniors assist House Leaders in all House activities; sophomores act as assistants to Student House Leaders; while freshmen provide general assistance in school activities.
Trish Faber, Faculty Advisor
The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize exemplary academic achievement in high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to recognize those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its inception in 1921. Students are nominated for membership in the St. Mary's High School chapter of NHS after their 1st semester sophomore year or junior year. Requirements for NHS include a cumulative GPA of 3.85 or higher, service hours completed, leadership qualifications. Retainment of membership each year requires a minimum of 5 NHS-approved events, annual dues, and attendance at monthly meetings.
Jeanne Cichon, Advisor
The Spanish Club is composed of a dedicated group of students focused on helping the community through service while becoming enriched in Spanish culture.
Katherinne Balboa and Svitlana Benson, Faculty Advisors
The mission of the St. Mary’s High School Students for Life (S4L) club is to promote the sanctity of life from conception until natural death, both at the school and in the greater community, by planning, promoting, and participating in various pro-life activities. S4L was started in the spring of 2013 and holds club meetings before school on one late start day per month. S4L members also participate in many activities each year, including working at the Marian House soup kitchen, visiting the elderly, planning and leading the local march for life, organizing baby drives to support the local pregnancy centers, traveling to Washington DC or San Francisco for the annual national March for Life, hosting bake sales and human rights displays for the student body, and getting together for fun social events.
Lori Trechter, Parent Advisor