St. Mary's Learning and Academic Support Program (ASP) serves students who have been determined - internally by our team of faculty and staff from Admissions, Counseling, Academic Support, and administration - to be academically at risk. Our team takes many factors into consideration such as GPA, course work, Placement Test scores, teacher input, and test scores. ASP provides help for students seeking to strengthen their individual study skills to enrich their success in core academic classes.

ASP students receive supports in the following areas:

  • Access to Study Skills class with a maximum of 6 students per teacher

  • Executive functioning skills

  • Self-advocacy skills

  • Weekly progress meeting with the teacher

  • Academic support

All international students are scheduled in the Academic Support course for at least the first year of their time at St. Mary's High School.


Medical personnel and educators may make recommendations based on their evaluation. However, since St. Mary’s High School does not have the resources to support students with IEP plans and some 504 plans, we are only able to provide five (5) accommodations (see below). These accommodations are similar to those offered by colleges, universities, ACT, and College Board (SAT).

If the accommodation plan addresses Social Emotional Learning (SEL), then the student's needs will be addressed through the Counseling Department (not the Study Skills course).

Students who request accommodations or enter St. Mary’s with an Accommodation Plan from a previous school must provide one of the following:

  • A letter from a medical doctor explaining the diagnosis with a *DSM-V code and recommendations for academic accommodations. The doctor’s letter must be dated within the last TWO years.

  • A written report of a completed psycho-educational evaluation for cognitive and academic functioning through a licensed provider and have a completed report diagnosis with a *DSM-V code and recommendations for academic accommodations. Testing must be within the last TWO years.

If one of the above criteria is met, then St. Mary's may offer the accommodations listed below:

  • Access to an alternative quiet testing room.

  • Extended time on tests only (1.5 X Normal).

  • Access to a computer with text to speech software (student provided).

  • A copy of class notes provided by a teacher or peer as needed.

  • Preferential seating.

*Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – 5th Edition


Math and Science and SAT help:
Khan Academy

Math and English help:

Math and English help:
The NROC Project

NOAA / Science education: Ocean Exploration

Help With Test Anxiety


Free math tutoring will be available during Zero Hour. Peer mentoring will be offered through the Math Department by fellow students and members of the National Honor Society.

For more information, please contact Mrs. Kari Smith, Math department chair ksmith@smhscs.org.


Free access to the Writing Center will be available during Zero Hour. The Writing Center will provide instruction, resources, and support for all students to improve as writers. Peer consultants conduct sessions to help their fellow students improve as writers, becoming more competent and, as a result, more confident.

For more information, please contact Mrs. Katie Ghent, English Department Chair (kghent@smhscs.org).


The Study Skills class provides:

  • Individualized attention focused on building high school/college level study skills and positive academic habits that lead to success in a school environment;

  • A small group setting (typically 8 students or fewer) to allow for individual attention to academic progress and needs;

  • A routine of checking grades and planning weekly in advance which leads to better organizational and time management skills;

  • Consistent accountability that encourages students to become fully engaged in their high school learning experience;

  • Students learn ways to avoid procrastination, strategies for staying on task, techniques to become more consistent with homework completion and ways to improve test taking skills.

Additional Benefits:

  • Students and the ASP Teacher identify and examine academic areas to improve.

  • Encourages students to develop self-advocacy skills to improve communication in all aspects of their educational experience and life.

  • Students become aware of their own learning styles, how they process information, so as to enhance their ability to learn and comprehend information.

  • The ASP Teacher helps each student identify positive learning characteristics and to appreciate his/her strengths.

  • The ASP Teacher helps students become more self-aware to improve decision-making and performance.

See "www.smhscs.org / Academics / Course Catalog" for more information.