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Working full time at a homeless center in Boulder, Colorado, was not how Hannah McReavy envisioned spending the last months of her sophomore year at college. In February, McReavy, who graduated from St. Mary’s High School in 2018, was at Providence College in Rhode Island; a month later, she was in Boulder, where her parents now live, finishing the semester virtually as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Online classes leaving her with time on her hands, McReavy started looking for ways to help. She had volunteered at the Marian House during her years at St. Mary’s High School, and had done other volunteer work in Boulder, but had not worked extensively with the homeless community. As she sifted through the volunteer opportunities in Boulder, she was drawn to the COVID-19 recovery center for the homeless.

“I’m in the age group that is least at risk and I felt I needed to do something to help,” McReavy said. “When I started, I thought I would just be helping out, instead it’s become a full-time job.”

Read the full story on McReavy on our blog.